Wednesday, March 25, 2015

IRA Meeting - April 11


"Spend It All, Spend It Now"

April 11, 2015

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Venue: Guahan Academy Charter School

Get Connected, READ! First Place Winner

Get Connected, READ! First Place Winner, Kai'Lee Quinata with her teacher Christina Blas (top teacher at San Vicente).

Snapshots with Mayor KenJoe Ada from Yona

Yona Mayor Ada (far right) takes a self with Guam IRA President Mary Livingston (far left) and Visiting Author Chair Verna Mendiola (middle).

Mauor KenJoe Ada from Yona had fun taking this selfie after he sang for all of the Guam IRA members.

Mayor KenJoe Ada was grateful for his lei and book.

Snapshots with local author Jacqueline Sablan

Local author Jacqueline Sablan conducts a Read Aloud with her book titled Atfabeton Chamorro.

Pictured L-R:  Martha Sudo, IRA Grant Chairperson; and Jacqueline Sablan, author of Atfabeton Chamorro and I Lepblon Litratu, Gi Fino' Chamorro.

Pictured L-R:  Mary Livingston, Guam IRA President; Becky North, alternative grand prize IRA winner; Lois Taitano Gumataotao, IRA grand prize winner; and local author Jacqueline Sablan.

Congratulations, Lois T. Gumataotao, for being Guam IRA's random drawing grand prize trip winner

Pictured L-R:  Becky North, IRA alternate grand prize winner; Lois T. Gumataotao, IRA grand prize winner; and Vangie Chaco, IRA President-Elect.