Friday, March 26, 2021

Guam Council IRA Receives Honor Council Award for 2020-2021

Congratulations to the Guam Council IRA for receiving the ILA Honor Council Award!  Guam IRA has been instrumental in promoting literacy in Guam since 1968, and it will continue in its efforts to do so for many years to come.  Our mission is to develop an awareness of the powerful impact of reading, and we aim to make connections to the island's community through various literacy projects and events including our Annual Read-A-Thon, educator grants, Annual Language Arts Conference sponsorship, literacy workshops/presentations, professional development credit opportunities, book donations, affordable and resourceful books, tools, supplies, and engaging projects that promote literacy on the island of Guam and Micronesia at large.

Guam IRA Receives ILA Honor Council Award for 2020-2021

Friday, March 19, 2021

Guam IRA members celebrate CHamoru Month

Guam IRA members celebrated CHamoru Month with cultural literary arts presentations by Master CHamoru Dancer/Author Frank Rabon; Zina Ruiz of Para I Probechu’n I Taotao-Ta, Inc. (PIPIT); and guest author Lance Osborn; during their March 20, 2021 meeting held via Zoom.  

Rabon shared his book titled “I Lina’la Guma Taotao,” including the history of Guam, the Taotao Tano’ civilization, Chamorro dance, songs, costumes, chants, along with traditional & ceremonial practices.  Ruiz further shared the significance of the CHamoru culture, crafts, and cultural items that are sold at T.E.N.D.A. (Traditions Empowering Natives in Developing Art).  Osborn spoke about his book titled, “Si Pedro yan I Hilet Our Na Ko’ko,” which features Pedro from the beautiful village of Malesso.  Enjoy the following snapshots taken at this culturally-enriched meeting!  Biba Mes CHamoru!