You can also read Llama Llama Red Pajama online this year at the following link: http://www.wegivebooks.org/books/llama-llama-red-pajama---r4tr-english
This year, the theme is Enhancing Our Classrooms to Navigate Beyond the Four Walls invites us to reflect on the changes that we have had to adapt and adopt to in the past year in lieu of the COVID-19 sway.office.com |
Getting an IRA grant is the perfect opportunity for you to enhance your students' reading experience.
During the Fall 2021 Grant Cycle, while IRA/ILA meetings are online, send your Grant Application to: Vivian Wolff (vwolff7502@yahoo.com) and Martha Sudo (mjsudo@gmail.com).
The Guam Council-IRA was established on April 15, 1968 by seventeen people dedicated to promoting reading on the island of Guam. The local council’s membership had grown since then with over 300 educators, parents, students and community members involved in many reading projects.
In 1979, the first Read-A-Thon was held to benefit the local public television. Currently the annual Read-A-Thon provides Professional Educator Grants, underwrites the public television’s Reading Rainbow Program, offers monthly Professional Development Meetings, and many other reading endeavors in the schools and community.
The first visiting author in 1990 was Norman Bridwell. Since that time, the local council has sponsored at least two authors, illustrators, or story tellers annually. These individuals inspire children to become better readers, skillful artists, and healthier individuals.
The local council organized its first Community Book Fair in 2000. Students, parents, educators, and community members were invited to read aloud, observe dance and musical performances, and given the opportunity to purchase affordable books for family members or friends.
The council also sponsors approximately six members to attend the Annual International Reading Association Convention. Upon their return to the island, these individuals share their experiences through mini workshops. The Young Adult Café, which was established in 2003, was an inspiration from the annual convention.
The Guam Council of the International Reading Association has been recognized as an Honor Council, placed in the President’s Club and Membership Honor Roll, and received the Community Service Award. The local council will continue to provide reading projects, but also search for better ways to improve reading on the island of Guam and Micronesia.
· Annual Read-A-Thon
· Professional Educator Grants
· Author / Illustrator Visits
· Regional Language Arts
· Monthly Professional Development Meetings
· Affordable Books and
· Annual Community Book Fair
· Young Adult Café
· Book Donations
· Local Council Members attend Annual IRA Convention
· Underwriter for Reading Rainbow
· Web page