Please visit us at our new Guam Council 
 of the International Literacy Association 

May Newsletter



D204 Lions Club Saturday Story Hour


Guam ILA CY 2022-2023 Officers

Read-A-Thon Kick-Off/March Meeting Snapshots


Read-A-Thon Week Activities at the Schools

Read-A-Thon Activities at Talofofo Elementary School 

UOG Language Arts Conference - Nov. 6

34th Annual Regional Language Arts Conference

Enhancing Our Classrooms to Navigate Beyond the Four Walls

Click here to find out more information about the LAC:


Submit your LAC presentation!

Submit a poster

Spend It All, Spend It Now 2020 & Induction Ceremony

IRA Community Book Fair Snapshots

IRA Guam Anthology

Getting an IRA grant is the perfect opportunity for you to enhance your students' reading experience. During the Fall 2021 Grant Cycle, while IRA/ILA meetings are online, send your Grant Application to: Vivian Wolff ( and Martha Sudo (


Click on the following links to access important grant information and the IRA grant application, which are now Word-ready! Just download them, and you are ready to type!

Application Deadlines: April & October meetings, 11:00 a.m.

IRA Grant Application for SY2021-2022 PDF FILE

Friday, December 27, 2013


Felis Anu Nuebu (Chamorro)

Feliz Ano Nuevo (Spanish)

Parakapw Mwahu (Pohnpei)

Ungil Becheserrak (Palau)

Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu (Japanese)

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou (Hawaiian)

Sut dal kum mum (Korean)

Gung Hay Fat Choy (Chinese)

Chúc Mung Nam Moi (Vietnamese)

May the year 2014 bring you abundant blessings filled with much love, joy, peace, and happiness!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Happy Holidays Message

We wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and Joyous New Year 2014! Please mark your calendars for next month's general membership meeting: Linking Technology to Improve Literacy. It will be held January 11, 2014, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Outrigger Guam Resort. We hope to see you there!

IRA Community Book Fair Snapshots

Local Authors Hold Autograph Sessions

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Performances at IRA Community Book Fair

Guam Council International Reading Association Community Donations

IRA Community Book Fair Reaches Children of All Ages

The IRA Community Book Fair held December 14, 2013 at the Agana Shopping Center was a huge success!  Children of all ages were treated to books of a variety of genre, Christmas performances, local author autograph sessions, novelties, prizes, and more!  A special donation presentation was also made to the Philippine Red Cross.  Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to the next literacy-filled event! 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Guam Council IRA December 2013 Newsletter

Click on the newsletter above to view this month's issue.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! Enjoy this special holiday with your loved ones, and be sure to thank those who have touched your life and made a difference.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mark your Calendars for December's Community Book Fair!

Date: December 14, 2013
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Location: Agana Shopping Center

26th Language Arts Conference Engaging!

The 26th Annual Regional Language Arts Conference held November 15 and 16, 2013 at UOG's Tan Lam Pek Kim English and Communication Building was engaging! The conference theme was Interweaving Tradition, Innovation, and Core Curriculum Standards in Literacy.The literacy-filled presentations and keynote speech by former Guam Department of Education Superintendent, Dr. Nerissa Bretania Underwood, was insightful. Drs. George Kallingal and Margaruite Smith also served as plenary speakers with inspirational messages.  Enjoy the following snapshots!


IRA & SOE Alumni Association Officers present their workshop titled Using Journals to Connect Reading and Writing. Pictured L-R:  Grace Griffin, SOE Alumni President & IRA Webmaster; Margaret Beem, SOE Alumni Vice President & IRA Member; Martha Sudo, SOE Alumni & IRA Secretary; Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, SOE Alumni & IRA Webmaster/LAC Chair; and Lois Gumataotao, SOE Alumni PIO & IRA Member.
IRA members enjoying the 26th Annual Regional Language Arts Conference.
Pictured L-R:  Charleena Yanger, IRA Historian; Lois T. Gumataotao, IRA member; Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, IRA/SOE Alumni/LAC Webmaster; and Amanda Quan. 

LAC Presentation:  Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera and Lois T. Gumataotao get ready for their presentation Differentiated Instruction for English Language Arts.  Pictured L-R:  Dr. Rivera; Gumataotao; and Martha Sudo, IRA/SOE Alumni Secretary. 

The presentation, Differentiated Instruction for English Language Arts, was well attended. 

More participants from the Differentiated Instruction for English Language Arts presentation.